Is anyone else having issues with logging? My logs from last night are quite garbled and I can't use the playback feature on them. It looks like a field number is being prepended to each value , moving everything out of place. I compared it with a log file from last year and it looks completely different.
Did something change or did I mess up a setting ?
0 44692.73 256 0.000007 204 0.018697 162 -8.97477 161 53.24283 146 44692.73 51 0.6 50 16.8 49 -8.96733
The log file format changed so you can now select which vars are logged.
Unfortunately, one version had a bug reading log files into Stripchart etc.
Update to the latest release and all will be ok.
Happy to confirm that resolved the issue. 11.5.19 correctly supports the new logging format.
Thanks Nick
If it helps...
Facing the same issue I just noticed that deactivating "Logging boats" also deactivates logging for Boat0 (ourselves). I would think this is not expected.
Yes, that is intentional.
I am not sure why someone wouldn't log data, but it has always been an option.
I was thinking the same... hanece expected turning logging off, turns off the logging for OTHER boats but Boat0. Ah well, just a misunderstanding.
Is possible to have the old logs format ? Any program to convert it?
I was so used to that files…..this update has ruined my excel macro done myself to calibrations
You can use the extract log data function on the Tools ribbon
With version 11.15.16 I am still getting logging problems. If I log just lat and long, I get 48 in the lat column, then lat in next, then 49, then long.