I found my sail choses on the route display to be incorrect. It was blowing 28 kts that day and noticed Expedition had picked a chute to be 1/2 oz for the downwind leg and the #1 for upwind leg when it should have been the S4 and the J3. I think I dampen my numbers to keep relistic too much. Where do I find the place to dampen it and are there any other adjustment that I should also check? Thanks for your time!!!!
Expedition's channels settings page.
Ok, went thru the Channels:
TWA- 30
Next Mark TWA- 30
MarkTWA- 30
Current- 60
rest set to zero
I am assuming these damping % s are too high. Should I put them to zero or 10%, I don't know what to do here. I just know the numbers dampen are too high and incorrect sails are beiing chosen incorrectly. I am on a fresh water lake. Why are the drift and set at 60? Looking for advice, Thanks.
Normally TWD & TWS would be damped up to 10s, depending in the instrument systems.
Set & drift generally need longer dampings as they can be noisy, again depending on the instruments.
I wouldn't normally damp much else.