I have a couple of buttons at the helm on serial remote, to ping marks, advance waypoints etc. sometimes I screw Up and ping a start mark during a race. From then on we ‘drag’ the labels of burn time for the whole race. Is there a way clear them?
From the pc you can right click and 'unlock' then right click and 'delete'
or from the Mark Management window right side select ;Start; and 'delete'
If you mean from your remote....sorry don't know.
@rbhun can you share som info on how to set up a serial remote sound very useful!
See the Expedition Event topic under the Instruments section in the Expedition help.
@Frederik, you need an USB-serial (i happen to have a keyspan 4-port rs232 converter lying around) and there you can short pins you set up in Expedition under instruments.
I was thinking about making a more complex one, waterproof, where you can preprogram things. Would it be interest to the community?
Thanks @Nick and @rbhun -
I just pulled an Arduino board I had in a different experiment from my boat. My laptop is on a wifi, but I’m thinking I could hook a few buttons up to the Arduino board and link a serial port to the main router with a wifi to serial module It would give me a simple platform to play around with. I think it could be useful to some of the starting features, for MOB, some mark handling as well as setting “tests” – a few buttons to keep Expedition up to date with the sails hoisted would simplify some of the post-race analysis. Obviously I can’t have buttons all over the boat but surely a few could be useful =) but i need to read up on the manual to see what is possible.
But I’d be interested in any thoughts and ideas around a magic box for gloves on stressed shorthanded racing =)
That’s very similar to what I thought I’ll do - except I was planning to emulate usb keystrokes. Since you can assign custom keys in Exp, that seemed a much more flexible approach. I have already started designing a waterproof 3D printed case.