If I am using the BSP heel correction table, it seems like the single-valued BSP correction should be set to 100% - is that right?
i don’t follow the question - the table is an adjustment in knts at 0,10 and 20 degrees of heel not as %
I don't understand either. There is just one bsp calibration table. It defaults to a single value.
sorry if i didn't explain clearly.
On page 51 of the H5000 manual, they describe the basic BSP calibration for Hyda processors. It is single-valued, and is in %. I currently have 101.5%
on page 54 they describe the heel correction to BSP. This correction is in kts.
on a hercules processor, both corrections are available on the websocket calibration page.
what i am asking is: if i have values in both fields, do they both get applied?
so, if i have 101.5% in the first correction, and 0.5kts at 10deg in the heel correction table...
does that mean that if I am sailing at a raw BSP of 7.5kts and 10 deg heel, my corrected bsp will be
BSP CORR= 1.015 (7.5kts) + 0.5kts = 8.11kts
if so, wouldn't it be better to just put 100% in the first correction, and do all my correction in the heel correction table?
Both should apply.
I see what you mean that you could apply you % correction to your heel table -- but they are for two different things.
The correction % is for the sensor while flat to read BSP correctly. This can be done by calibrating either with no tide and matching BSP to SOG or with tide and getting the BSP to be the same when going with the tide and against it while SOG will vary with the tidal effect.
I find I am constantly calibrating the paddle wheel just like the wind instruments. They all perform slightly different day to day even on a dry sailed boat. I think the paddle wheel performs slightly differently at different speeds and different water temps/selinities. Also on days when we are planning vs lowspeed displacement only days.
The heel calibration was more a single time thing for me and it was just a tweaking of the default table/chart.
Last edited by sparky (6/19/2023 8:05 am)
the heel table has values for 0deg heel - thats partly why i was wondering about putting 100% in the first correction.
so it sounds like you think both values get applied.
do you think that the first correction is applied to all heel angles or just 0deg heel?
I know it is applied everywhere --- I've played the value when the boat was heeled and when it was vertical. It applies anytime the wheel is spinning.
The base correction is to handle the boundary layer flow between the boat and the water and any drag in the wheel.
sparky wrote:
The base correction is to handle the boundary layer flow between the boat and the water and any drag in the wheel.
i guess my problem is i have the B&G (airmar i guess) sensor, and it's highly non-linear
my 101.5% is good at about 7kts - but so good anywhere else
i am thinking of seeing if we can switch to a signet over the winter
Yeah - I understand -- I used to adjust the calibration due to speed on the 111 I kept a rough guide for our average BSP and the range of calibration... but it was only a few % each way.