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Anyone else having problems with saving screenshots in 11.16.10 using the save screen function in the main menu?
All the images (PNG, JPG, BMP) all produce files that my Windows 11, iPhone and MacbookPro machines can't read.
It seems ok here
Ok. I’ll try a reboot and restore settings and see if that helps.
Could it be that I have a bunch of RNC’s from visitmyharbour installed?
It shouldn't matter. Exp just saves whatever is in the DirectX display window.
Your can also use the Shift-Windows key S keyboard combination
Here is what I have found
I remove VMH charts from the RNC database and eject the VMH virtual dvd.
Restart windows and EXP
Screenshot works from the menu as per normal.
Load VMH virtual dvd and add charts to Exp RNC database.
Screenshots now corrupt.
Seems to me that something on the virtual disk is running that stops screenshots.
Is there a way to take the charts off the virtual disk and keep locally to avoid the VMH software from running and blocking screenshots ?
Work around of CTL windows S works sometimes but not always for me. Full screen capture works but not the chart window only. (Hence I suspect there is some sort of copyright protection at work)
I just tested and the VMH system does seem to play havoc with something in Windows. It won't let Exp save (eg) the S63 permits file.
Microsoft Defencer also decided there was a trojan in the CD.
Not sure if this will help but,
the print screen key on the keyboard will copy the current display to the windows clipboard. You can then open Paint or whatever, paste, and save a jpg or the format you need.
also, Alt-Print Screen I think will copy only the current dialog box/window to the clipboard.