Radaroom - no other pw data in Exp.
Wedersoe - some of their data is encrypted, so that might be the cause. Feel free to send a sample that doesn't work and I can make a more informed comment.
Hi Nick.
Those are bzip2 compressed files. Most grib data Exp download is similarly compressed (Expedition, Saildocs, Squid etc).
When you load them into Exp, it should automatically decompress them. Then they can be used etc.
For example, PW_PWG_08Feb22_161327.grb.bz2 will become PW_PWG_08Feb22_161327.grb.
Hi Nick,
So apparently this does not happen?
Do you know of any fixes of this?
Email me more details directly. I am just guessing here.
Do the GFS etc downloads from the Expedition, Saildocs and Squid servers work for you?