I am having problems using /loading grip files into expedition.
It seems to download to grip file, but I can’t get Expedition to “load” them / use or show them in the program.
This wasn’t a problem for me 6 months ago, now its ??
Am I doing something wrong or does others have problem with this?
Which gribs are you loading? Some of the models provided by predict wind are encrypted and will only work in the predict wind viewer. Some are not and should work with Expedition.
I am using Exp 11.14.0I
just tried PWE wx for both East coast US and Denmark to Klaipeda and it worked fine
or as Sparky says check other models
Hi I am on the new download Exp 11.14.05 and Expedition weather downloads are working ok for me.
I can't seem to download anything from Saildocs though. Has something changed or is something down.
I notice the empty grib file in the folder is showing up with an unusual extension ie. "SD_GFS_06Jan22_140011.grb.bz2" but no Kb of data.
Any ideas or should I start a new thread? Came across this after nothing new came up on "Saildocs" search.
PS Just tried Predictwind and that was ok too.
There does seem to be some problems getting GFS data from multiple sources
NOAA was having issues with their servers yesterday, which probably explains the Saildocs issue. There hasn't been a notification it is resolved yet and Saildocs GFS is still broken ...
GFS is ok on the Expedition server, but we have a different source.
Confirmation the NOAA servers are still having problems. It sounds as if the issue is more widespread too.
"FTPPRD was taken offline late last night due to increasing problems with the data center where it is hosted. Work continues on the effort to fully restore services, but we have no estimate for return to service at this time."
In the Predictwind tab inside Expedition I can only see the option to get PWE and PWG gribs directly into the weather data folder.
Is there a way to get the full suite of models directly into Expedition (assuming I have the appropriate PredictWind subscription) without having to do this through their Offshore app and transferring the gribs manually into the Expedition weather folders?
radaroom. it is the same issue for me. :-(
I can calculate optimized routes on everything else but predictwind data, but cant load predict wind.
It concern me that different users have different experience