Does anyone have a good way switch between setups for two different races and boats? I am working on planing for two different races on two different boats. One's for a east coast race and the other is for a west coast race. I really don't want to merge both fleets into one setup. Any easy way to do that?
Would it be best to create a different Expedition.mdb file for each race and just rename the files to switch between them for each race?
Steve, using a separate expedition.mdb is not going to cover boat polars, the boat sail charts and course marks which are held in separate separate directories or data files under programdata\expedtition. You could replicate the programdata directory and use symbolic links (symlinks) but Nick may have a more elegant solution
If it is just the database file you are changing, you can give them custom names and select the correct one on Exp's System settings page.
Thanks for the ideas, I'll try using different mdb files. switching polars is easy, what I'm trying to avoid is listing of all the boats for both races.
One has about 200 boats that I think I'll be able to import using YB, the other I will have to manually need to create about 20 boats for my fleet.
I'll let you know how that works out.