Not sure what happened in my environment but I used to have the NMEA data, BSP,AWA,AWS, COG, etc displaying in number boxes. Now nothing is displaying. My AIS data is still displaying. I did look in the raw data and i do see the 0183 strings and if I look in the log files i also see the data, it's just not displaying in the data boxes. I also did check the network connections and I do see that the NMEA settings is set to include all NMEA strings. I am using windows 10 on a Surface. I have a Vasper XB8000 that is receiving the NMEA data from the chart plotter. This still seems to be working. In looking at the raw data, I still see the NMEA sentences.
I am also on 10.10.7
What am I missing?
Maybe you are sending the data to a boat not zero in the instrument interface or the number boxes are for boat 1 or greater rather than zero?
Thanks Nick! It looks like that is the case. it was set to boat 1 not zero. I'll test later today on the boat. Ill keep you posted.
That was it, somehow I had the wrong boat ID selected. Changed back to boat 0 and its now working as expected.