I have recently updated Expedition and now having an issue with selecting NGT-1 as the instruments. When I open Expedition off the boat the program crashes, I reset the registry and it will start again. I then set it up again including selecting NGT-1 as the instruments and Expedition crashes again.
In the meantime I loose all the settings each time I reset the registry.
Any advice?
Did you mean using Expedition System Restore?
Does this happen even if the NGT-1 isn't connected to the network?
Last edited by Nick (7/23/2018 3:40 pm)
Yes I did use ESR.
It happens when the laptop is not connected to the network. It worked ok when connected, when I restarted after closing down from the network connection the problem arose. I cannot tell you if it will work again once reconnected as I am now 3000 klm from the boat.
The problem is to get Exp to operate when not on the boat I have to loose the settings.
I don't understand how this could be an issue. Is it an NGT-1 -USB or -ISO?
With the -USB, the serial port doesn't even exist if the NGT-1 isn't connected. With setting another port to NGT-1 (for the -iso case), it seems ok here without a -iso connected.
Are your Actisense drivers up to date? What sort of Windows etc?
Nick the NGT-1 is -ISO.
Windows 7 fully updated on a Dell D600 laptop. This has not been a problem until the last update. I have tried selecting various other instrument systems but this is the only option that has the problem.
I would not be concerned about it apart from I have to go back and set up the system every time I hook it up to the boat and I can forget all the settings. It is also a bit laborious as I use the custom channels for Garmin GNX 120 displays.
Is there an error message?
I will test the -ISO connection without an NGT-1 connected on Windows 7, but it seems ok on Win10.
Do you have the latest driver from Actisense installed?
Do you know what the previous Exp version was? The Actisense libraries were updated at the beginning of the year.
Last edited by Nick (7/24/2018 8:24 pm)
The NGT-1 has the up to date drivers which appear from their site to be 2012/3.
The error message is simply "Expedition Application has stopped working" and the program closes.
The previous version was about 4 months ago. I am not sure of the version number. The original boat laptop recently died and I had to update the spare for a race last weekend (a mirror of the old) and this started the problem.
I have now obtained a Toughbook which will be the primary for the boat and this laptop will go back to being the spare once the Toughbook is set up.
I've just tried to replicate that on Windows 7, but didn't find any problems.
Am not sure what else to suggest. Maybe mail me the Expedition registry settings?