Is it possible to delete more than 1 boat at a time from the tracking schedule?
I can select more than 1 boat. But the delete key still only removes one.
Is it possible to change the color of a mark?
It seems you can only delete one boat. That is easy to change.
Mark colours are fixed.
it's easy to edit the boat and sched tables in MS Access
I usually just start with empty tables for each race
If you're talking about the Sail Tab/Boat List
Click 1st Boat number
Hold Shift down click last boat number
Click Delete
When the Delete Warning Window pops up with Yes hi-litHold down the Enter key
Ok, that worked, Thanks
ok. Now a related question. (Don't laugh) Is there a way to reload all the tracking schedules I just deleted as well. I thought I could reload the boat ids and the tracks would stay. But all is now gone. All of the position reports are in the data directory but when I go to import them I just get a "Unable to open boat id file" error.
That is why I have tried to avoid having functions to delete database items. The position reports are all linked to the database boats.
If you have Exp archiving settings, previous versions of the selected database should be saved to the Archive folder.
Ok, restored from archive. Thanks once again.