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Have spent a few long evenings learning about the route optimisation for the upcoming Coffs race (Australia). Very clever software!
Using both Tidetech and Predictwind as Grib inputs - I keep on getting a course that takes me over land in parts! Have put the idea to the skipper - understandably he's not so keen....
Any hints on what I might be doing wrong?
Try selecting the 'Avoid vector land option'.
You can also use race notes.
The avoid C-Map land option is not generally recommended.
As well as Saildocs GFS, also have a look at Arpege from Great Circle/Squid. They also supply ECMWF data (which is probably the best model around), but it is expensive.
Last edited by Nick (12/22/2015 3:26 pm)
Thanks Nick
Have tried both the Avoid Vector Chart Land and Avoid C-Map Land options - both still have me 2nm inland over Smoky Cape!!!
Just wondering if I am doing something wrong in the settings
Put a race note there ...