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I am Sailing on a 30 footer with a basic triton package. I have a computer running expedition witch I would like to connect to the network true the usb cable from the navlink N2K wireless server with usb. I use the ipad as remote screen.
With this systhem will it be possible to send data from expedition back on the N2K backbone like bearing and distance to waypoint/mark ? Or even recalculated TWD from expedition to the triton displays ?
Thanks !
I presume that is the Digital Yacht WiFi device? If so, it translates the NMEA 2000 to 0183.
The document also gives the connection settings required. It suggests UDP is better than TCP, which I would agree with for this application.
It doesn't offer any clues as to whether it supports data back to the N2k network. I suspect not.
thanks for the quick reply !
The GAMP 2000 from Astra seems more complete.( ) it translate nmea 0183 to 2000 and vice versa !
would this one work in the setup ?
and if not what systhem would you recomend without costing a fortune !
If you don't need wireless, the Actisense NGT-1 is the standard NMEA 2000 adaptor and does not rely on NMA 2000-0183 translation.
Sorry I explained myself badly
I have a getac f110 running expedition on board we do not have a fixed computer. so a wirelink between the backbone and the f110 is not always posible. but for relyability issues and some old mans preconseptions I need to be able to run expedition wierlesly from deck or wiered from down below with the ability to send information back to the backbone. and then use a splashtop program to mirrir it on deck with an ipad. is this more precise ?