I am new to Expedition and I have a few questions:
1>. I am getting routes that are pretty good off the breeze but as soon as there's an VMG upwind section the results are not very nice with most of the upwind TWA's as high as 3d and the majority of the legs are well above the optimum VMG angles. I'm not really sure what I'm not doing right. Any hints would be appreciated.
2>. Also any grid based routes I try pretty just go straight and happily go through land. Again not sure why
3>. I have some marks in a course that I want as part of the course but I can't seem to set to sail one side or the other and calculate a route as a message comes up that I can't do that. Having to "sail to" the mark then takes me off the optimal route line. Any hints.
Cheers and thanks in advance
Rod, welcome to the community; your questions are good ones that we have been all through at one time or another. I'll have to interpret your questions, so if I have the interpretations wrong, come back.
1. I'm guessing you mean you can see impossible TWAs upwind like 10 degrees in your Optimum/Results. Yep, that's because each of the "legs"in a result simply shows point to point, NOT tacks or gybes. You'll note that on these legs TWAs are bracketed, that means tacking or gybing one or many times to arrive at the next target position;
2. Expedition doesn't allow for the chart the way you can, so either enter intermediate waypoints to keep you off corners (best choice), add Race Notes to block access to areas (second best) or use Land Avoidance (never had much luck with it);
3. You set a mark side for each mark once entered into Courses/Marks, the left hand panel of Marks/Edit Marks. If you save the mark as a permanent requirement (i.e. move it to the right hand side Marks/Waypoint Folders) of that panel, it loses that preferred side. If you look at your routings, marks in the left panel show as red, green or black text ... you get the idea.
1. Numbers such as (-10) imply tacking or gybing. In this case, upwind, with a bias to port. You can tell Exp to prefer to tack or gybe at the grid points or time steps.
2. You can select various options to avoid land. Avoid vector land is quite good and the next update lets you avoid ENC chart land. I don't recommend the C-MAP option. As Duncan says, you can also use race notes.
3. The leave a mark to port or starboard isn't available for the isochronal routing option. For this, you must use the grid algorithm.
Thanks Gents, the penny is slowly dropping and your answers are very helpful and gives me direction. I can't find anywhere where I can reduce the time steps of a route. Is this possible?
The high resolution routing option increases it and you can also over-ride the defaults.
See the help section on Optimal routing settings.
I'm new to Expedition and I'm trying to set up my first rout to optimize. I have a course set and when I try to optimize I get "Unable to sail from mark to start position" I'm not on the boat so I'm just trying to test at home. I have polar's and weather files loaded however I did not make a sail chart because I didn't think it was needed. I also set the course to active. I also unchecked "optimize from current position and time. I noticed my first mark is yellow not green. Any help out there?
"Unable to sail from mark or start position" simply means Exp couldn't sail from the start point.
Does your weather (the grib file winds) cover the start location? Do they cover the selected start time (this could be the time set on the optimal settings page or now if you have route from here and now selected).
Maybe try turning off all land avoidance functions to start with. The other thing people sometime do is make a race area to avoid that covers the start.
We changed the colour from green to yellow a while back.
Thanks it was the grib file! I don't know if I 100% understand the various options in respect to the weather but I'll keep working on it. I do have another question. I have XM weather do they download Grib files to my laptop? I have the WeatherWorx software.
Unfortunately, I don't think so although I have seen some grib analyses from XM