Are the Admiralty ARCS raster and AVCS vector charts supported? I'm not seeing any mention of them in the manual.
At present, neither is supported. There will be more ENC support in the future, but ARCS almost certainly won't be.
Thanks Nick. AVCS would be really nice.
The C-MAP 4D MAX+ charts offer raster as well as the vector charts. With this package of charts, in Australia we get raster charts that are identical to what you see with ARCS charts. Not sure what happens with the UK areas? Cheers, Will.
Thanks Will, we're in the US, but for Bermuda & some upcoming EU venues we were looking at options and the Admiralty charts were the least obscene from a pricing standpoint (GBP18 a chart with license for 3 pieces of hardware).
Since we often only need 3-4 charts per venue it saved us a lot over having a unique "folio" license from Jeppsen or Cmap (one for each device!) per area. Since we have two laptops, and a plotter, that's 3 sets per venue. Gets out of hand quickly with full folio licenses on the charts. We can share the dongle on the cmaps if one laptop goes down, but we still have to buy at least two sets to load up the plotter and the laptop. :/
Jonathan talk to Jeppsen the conversation I have just had with them says they will be changing there licensing when the next set of selector disks comes out and they will be doing away with the dongle. You pay full price for the first PC, 40euro for the second PC and the third PC is free. This should be implemented start of April.
A few years ago we bought a ChartKit for the paper chart requirement and found it had a disk attached with the BSB charts on it (names like NU16C07) Probably came from Defender or WM on the East Coast U.S.
Gear is presently spread between Norway, Annapolis and New England !! PM me if you want and I'll dig deeper.
Ernie M
I think this may have been it[/url]
OK...So I've found this thread on June 9, 2019... as I am doing both the Transatlantic and the Fastnet Race I am/was very interested to pursue purchasing either Admiralty Vector or Raster Charts to augment my C-Map. I'm never particularly comfortable with just one chart source in Expedition. (Call me overly cautious if you want...however I do like to dodge current in the shallows...sometimes quite shallow, and/or cut corners if I can to shave distance)... Anyhow, I like to have multiple sources... Generally my regimen is PC/Expedition = C-Map and NOAA Raster in the US... When we did Sydney Hobart was C-Map and AUS ENC... On the iPad I'll get whatever I can for the area, generally that is Navionics...
Anyway...enough of the background on what I do... I'm here to share SOME GOOD NEWS... Much as Will Oxley described in Feb of 2017 in this thread... I can CONFIRM that in Expedition 4D using C-Map 4D charts in the UK there IS a RASTER LAYER that does show underlying charts. Use this info cautiously though, as always, and note that I doubt the raster layers are updated with corrections and Notice to Mariners... nonetheless the layer(s) are there.
Here is a video showing the layers in action and how easy it is to access them...
Cautionary Addendum:
Last edited by hldevore (6/09/2019 4:54 pm)
For UK raster charts you can do a lot worse than Visit My Harbour's 'unified charts'. They are raster scans of the full admitralty charts, updated annually, with the whole of the UK & Ireland (as in every single UKHO chart) for £33 by download. They work with Exp. The encrypted memory stick version is more, but includes the second years updates... No connection, just a happy customer.