I use Expedition 4D with a C-Map installed on a notebook.
When I start Expedition while NOT being connected to a GPS signal (e.g. when doing some routing and weather preparation at home) the chart is zoomed in to the highest level somewhere in the middle of the Southern Atlantic. I then have to zoom out and pan to my home sailing location.
Is there a way to default to chart position (and zoom level) to my own preferred location?
Thanks, will check.
Forgot to mention:
My current 'work around' to position the map at my home sail area again when there is no GPS signal:
- Enable "simulation" mode
- Click the "Follow boat" button
- Click the "Drag" button
- Move the chart on the screen a little bit (by holding the left mouse button while moving the chart)
- Disable "simulation" mode
After these steps the map is positioned and zoomed at the location I last had a GPS lock (normally my home marina at the time I last time left the boat to go home again).
So somewhere the last position of GPS lock is saved in Exp, but it does not default to it when starting without GPS signal.
Hope this helps.