I upgraded from 10.4.7 to 10.4.17 yesterday and Expedition starting crashing after about 1 min.....Earlier I have been able to uninstall and reinstall the old version but this does not seem to work any longer despite cleaning the registry settings. Using Win 10.
I am having the same issue, Upgraded from 10.14.14 4D to 10.4.17 4D
I get an error on startup after the accept license splash screen
Core::initialize ERROR!!!
Error when initialize CM Library (WWB Cartridge NOT found.)
Uninstalled and re-installed 10.4.14 but get same error.
Apologies for jumping the gun.
Please see other thread below
For solution to issue
It seems that the latest windows update solved this issue
I upgraded from .16 to .17 (not 4d) and it works great. No MS Windows updates
We are in the same situation on 2 laptop ( one on windows 7 the second on windows 10). both are displaying Core::initialize Error
Error when initialize CM library (WWB Cartridge NOT found.)
The first laptop on WIN7 was working properly yesterday, but an automated MS update occurs last night...
Our customer is supposed to retrieve the computers on monday so a fix is needed ASAP.
WWD303 is depicted as "Ready" on mapStatus webservice
The new Cmap manager seems to solve the bug on windows 10 but not on windows 7
Did the link above not work for you?
I know that C-Map is supposed to be working on an update to Maps Manager.
No the solution depicted previously didn't work for us.
It may pay to call C-Map since you are a reseller for them. I haven't had a reply to this issue recently.