Back from BYC Mac 2016, where I found that the position reports did not plot as they did last year. This turned out to be a real racing disaster experience.
Any ideas or comments on what is wrong or what I'm missing in the settings? Again, worked last year, no changes to anything that I'm aware of other than version updates.
TIA, pjl
A partial list of omissions / mistakes / misunderstandings with Race Schedules that has tripped me up in the past:
1) Enter fleet into Boat Editor, must incl Start Time in format accepted by Expedition,
2) Designate "Reference Boat" in Boat Editor,
3) No less than 2 scheds must be entered for information to be developed / presented,
4) Scheds must be within 30 min of most recent Ref Boat sched,
5) Set Display Time to most recent Ref Boat sched to display entered sched positions on screen,
Thx for comments. I was not selecting a display time during the race, this may have been my error.
I tried to recreate the position display using the saved race schedules without the desired result. Is this not possible because it's after the race? Am I still in some death loop mentally? Is there a playback function setup that would play the position plots like a YellowBrick playback?
Still wearing the dunce hat!
Make sure your boat is set as the reference boat.
Can you see the tracks? Do you have them turned on?
Settings, track, draw other boats was not checked in track panel. Boat track from GPS was on, our boat reference was OK as we were getting the data array position report. Was this other boats not checked the cause? Probably. Can I get the race scheds to display now, post race? I'm guessing not because of setting to display time button not clear to me how this works.
Nick, by the way, the first 8 hours approx of the BYC Mac YB tracking via Expedition was "upside down" showing Dtf as the distance from the start. How did this happen? Does Nick YB know this? Anyone else complain?
Caused major heartburn in my case. The display on cell phones was correct during this time.
You might have had the Start as the destination waypoint. In Race Scheds YB text files only contain a boat ID number, position, and time; which Expedition crunches to obtain all of the other info. I was tracking Class E in the PHMac and I had no issues along those lines. It's all too easy on a desktop at home. ChiMac underway will be different and I will make all of my usual errors.
Thx Joe, what's ur ride?
Joe, is there any other setting than having the course active that would cause the destination to be incorrect? I have looked and can't find one. last year all this worked fine and i don't remember any particular bumps to get it active, but I did miss checking track other boats per nick's comment. Still waiting to hear if there is any way to play this back in order to test operation. Does Oxley's book deal with any of this? I don't remember anything, but it has been awhile.
The numbers are to the active mark, possibly/probably you had the first mark set as Active.
Track/draw other boats etc isn't related to race schedules.
Yes, once you have imported the positions into the race schedules database, they are there and you can see them on the chart and draw the positions at whatever time you wish.
There was a video on using YB tracking on the FB page.
Last edited by Nick (7/22/2016 1:37 pm)