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Hi ,
By opening V12.1.10. I got the message that the magnetic variation model is out of date.
So I downloaded V12.1.13 (4D).
It is running the install file but the new version is not installed for some reason.
Try to restart, etc but the old version remains the one that is installed
And the magnetic variation model message is still there.
Is there anything I should do to solve this?
Some of that can be dealt with on 2025-2030 World Magnetic Model.
4D has changed to 64 bits in the latest update, mostly for performance, especially on ARM.
The update leaves the old 32 bit install, which is what you are probably running.
It would be a good idea to uninstall the old 32 bit Expedition 4D as per the recommendation on the Exp downloads web page.
Yes, That worked.
Should read first and then ask on the forum...
Thanks Nick