Expedition Expedition Navigation Software

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Yesterday 8:59 am  #11

Re: 12.1.0

Hi, I noticed that in the new version  it is less straight forward to assign a mark as "Round to port/ starbord, gate", etc.
Right mouse clicking sometimes (not always...) denies you the option to assign
Only in the mark management menu it is possible to assign.
And (sometimes) on the chart the mark turns red when assigned "round to port" (as it was in older versions), but also somitimes not...

Furthermore the difference is that the marke numbering keeps adding up, in older version all new marks starteted at mark 1. (this is not an issue, but a difference to the old version).

The first issue, though, would be nice to see fixed....it might also affect routing, but I did not check that.

Last edited by mitchell14 (Yesterday 9:32 am)


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