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I just downloaded 12.1.0
What has changed in Marks and routes?
Looks like before.
It is great if it looks as before.
It is completely new underneath as the code needed modernising. The main benefit is it is a little faster and users can now edit the marks database as it is xml.
Nick, does this mean you can now simply copy and send the marks.xml file between computers, rather than using the Marks Export/Import routine?
You always could. This hasn't changed.
Nick wrote:
It is great if it looks as before.
It is completely new underneath as the code needed modernising. The main benefit is it is a little faster and users can now edit the marks database as it is xml.
Thanks for the explanation, and the continuous updates!
I didn't wanted to question the update. I just was curious.
It should automatically migrate the existing marks to the new format the first time.
Hi Nick, what are the updates for Actisense?
The Tx list is improved. Slightly more efficient and reliable.
Also, Exp now tries to connect at 230k before 115k, so startup will be a little faster for most people.
Using 12.1.0, everything was working last 2 days, went in this am to pull some weather/grib files and getting an in Weather WXData after trying to import saildocs says : The date in the certificate is invalid or expired. ANY IDEAS?
Saildocs has an expired certificate again. I have emailed them.
You can get most of the same from the Exp server, which will be a little earlier in most cases.