We use a small brick as the navigation computer. when I take it of the boat and bring it home to work on courses the site code changes. Is this normal?
It isn't normal. We do see issues with virtual machines, eg aprallels on apples.
We are using a Geekcom T12 brick. It has done the same think twice now. Which mean I am using two licences on one machine not ideal. What data do you need the get clarity of this issue.
That happens to another user. I just gave him several keys.
I wonder if Exp isn't being allowed to get the Hard drive serial number.
Quick response, thank you. Do you know how I can check if the serial number is available. Happy to help find a solution.
if I go to the command line and run this command
[*]"wmic diskdrive get model,serialNumber,size,mediaType"
[*]the serial number is returned.
or just
wmic diskdrive get serialNumber
There is another user with the same issue, he is investigating it.
Last edited by Nick (5/08/2024 4:39 pm)