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Sounds like there are some good answers in the help which has been updated to cover the topic of loading Navionics charts.
Note that Nick said elsewhere "Navionics+ and Platinum+ charts available on SD card"
and he also noted that charts could (or may?) be able to be copied from a Zeus SD card.
I am very pleased about the addition of Navionics and started this thread as I believe the question of "How do I get and load Navionics charts" is going to be a common one. Let's all give Nick a break and read the help and attempt to sort on our own! Nick has done extraordinary work over the past 9 months to do this for US! Thanks Nick. Obviously just delete this topic if you'd rather it be handled elsewhere or differently.
Expedition x64 supports the Navionics charting system.
Navionics charting is available as Navionics+ and Platinum+ levels. Platinum+ adds relief, satellite and aerial imagery.
Not all currently implemented in Exp.
Updated daily.
SonarChartTM charting feature extra depth contour detail based on other boater's sonar logs.
Platinum+ overlays are not currently implemented.
Navionics charting for Garmin plotters is not supported as it is a different product.
Online web app
Navionics has a useful web app to explore cartography.
Using Navionics charting in Expedition
To switch to Navionics mode from other charting, select the Navionics button on the Charting ribbon. Expedition will then switch to display Navionics charting.
World chart
A simple Navionics world chart is distributed with Expedition.
We recommend downloading more detailed world chart (currently WorldMap_4.0) and copying it to Expedition.
The normal location to copy it to is
You will see there is a folder (WorldMap_4.0_reduced) with the simpler world chart. Do not delete this.
Do not edit or delete files in the Navionics folder.
Chart Installer
Navionics uses the Chart Installer app to activate and update charts.
Simply insert the Navionics SD card into an SD reader and run Chart Installer to activate your cartridge.
Available at
Installing Navionics charts for use with Expedition
Expedition can use cards directly from the SD card, but we recommend copying to the local disk for performance. Keep the SD card in a safe place!
Select the System button on the Charting ribbon and select the Cartridges tab.
Expedition will automatically detect available removable drives.
To copy or update an existing cartridge already installed, select the appropriate drive and select the Install button. Note that copying the cartridge may take several minutes.
Cartridges may also be manually added or removed with the Add and Remove buttons.
The charts are activating automatically by connecting to the Navionics server when the cartridge is opened for the first time.
An internet connection is required when first using the copied cartridge.
There is a limit (5) to the number of computers you can copy cartridges to on a licence.
The Navionics Chart Installer is used to update the cartridge. Updates will be available most days. After updating the cartridge, you need to copy it to your local disk again.
Over-zooming charts will result in a hatched pattern on the chart. Unfortunately, there is no way to limit zooming in Navionics, so the Auto-chart button is disabled when in Follow boat mode.
Querying chart objects
Use the pop-up menu to query or set marks at Navionics chart objects.
Base data only
Chart bounds
International presentation mode
All chart details (else standard)
Easy view
The Easy View feature allows users to magnify icons and texts on the map to provide better reading.
When Easy View is turned ON, the chart texts and objects on the screen will be larger.
Dynamic icons
Note that dynamic tide and current icons are displayed for the current clock time, not the Expedition display time.
Place names
All chart details
Display mandatory and all optional layers, else only mandatory layers.
Nature of seabed
Seabed Areas display bottom composition details and are recognizable thanks to a specific pattern applied to the map.
Light sectors
Safety depth
Safety depth allows the shaded display of depth areas using different shades of blue to distinguish between shallow and deep water.
Shallow depth
With Shallow Area, users can control a pattern made of red dots that will be drawn over the map to highlight areas that are not safe for
Set transparency to 100% or select none to show no layers. Not currently available.
System requirements
Navionics may use OpenGL to render the charts. OpenGL enables hardware acceleration of 3D graphics.
Support is required from the graphics drivers for optimum performance. Graphics drivers that come with Microsoft Windows or that are downloaded from Windows Update often do not support OpenGL.
Especially with a bare install of Windows, additional OpenGL drivers may need to be installed. Common graphics driver links may be found at:
"World chart
A simple Navionics world chart is distributed with Expedition.
We recommend downloading more detailed world chart (currently WorldMap_4.0) and copying it to Expedition.
The normal location to copy it to is
You will see there is a folder (WorldMap_4.0_reduced) with the simpler world chart. Do not delete this.
Do not edit or delete files in the Navionics folder."
I found this in the Program Files -> Expedition -> Navionics
Was not in Program Data -> Expedition -> Navionics
Last edited by Mattzilla (4/24/2024 5:01 am)
The Navionics folder will be created in the data folder, normally
This is where you should copy the enhanced world map. There will then be a folder
Campbell has a nice summary on Navionics at
Go here: for a guide for Exp install of Navionics:
re Navionics
I uploaded my AU/NZ which I use in a plotter, and imported a South Pacific card I have - any idea why the majority of chart area has a grey wash over it? The AU/NZ charts had previously been synced with Navionics on Android tablet and I think this is why show in white (offline charts downloaded to tablet.
When using the Android navionics app for exampple, offline charts are normally exposed in white, and areas that you are currently in get exposed from grey to white as the app downloads the chart data.
In this case I can zoom in and see the chart detail in full, but the majority of areas are have the grey wash over it.
Also note charts have expired, I loaded them to test first, but would not expect that to cause this. The charts display fine (ie not all grey wash over them, sea areas white not greyed) in a plotter aside from expiry warning.
See image below
Last edited by Mattzilla (4/26/2024 9:24 am)
Mattzilla wrote:
re Navionics
I uploaded my AU/NZ which I use in a plotter, and imported a South Pacific card I have - any idea why the majority of chart area has a grey wash over it? The AU/NZ charts had previously been synced with Navionics on Android tablet and I think this is why show in white (offline charts downloaded to tablet.
When using the Android navionics app for exampple, offline charts are normally exposed in white, and areas that you are currently in get exposed from grey to white as the app downloads the chart data.
In this case I can zoom in and see the chart detail in full, but the majority of areas are have the grey wash over it.
Also note charts have expired, I loaded them to test first, but would not expect that to cause this. The charts display fine (ie not all grey wash over them, sea areas white not greyed) in a plotter aside from expiry warning.
See image below
I have re-read the Exp Navionics manual and maybe this is related? Would be interested if anyone else experiencing mask effect. LayersMaskTransparencySet transparency to 100% or select none to show no layers. Not currently available.
I also notice that I lose the check box for "Dynamic Icons" - it becomes unchecked each time I restart the app. Have saved settings and config etc manually before close/reopen.
Dynamic icons defaults to off on startup since they use a lot of resources.
Campbell_Field wrote:
Dynamic icons defaults to off on startup since they use a lot of resources.
Ok. Is the grey masking effect normal?
Probably not. Mine is white on the world map.