I am on a race charter, and created about 60 routes on my computer. I imported the DAT file on the boat computer and it gave me all the waypoints but none of the routes made from them. The only way I found is to export one by one as GPX and import it, but thats really slow. Is there a way to bring them all in from another expedition computer to another?
Copy the optimal2.dat file. That is what contains the routes --- just make sure the destination computer has 60 or more routes in the preserve route setting.
Wouldn’t that overwrite their old routes?
There is no way to import routes --- keeping the routes from one system and adding ones from another --- you can swap the files back and forth to use both the routes from the system and the ones from the other just not at the same time.
You can move routes from one system to the other by copying the file.
I acutally back up my route files after every race for review on land after I've had a few days to clear my head and relax.
You should be able to save all marks and routes to GPX.