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Not sure which version was running before but checked for upgrades and installed 11.19.23. Installation went fine with notification that installation is ok. When restarting computer as askel the software does not open at all anymore and a note regarding expedition.exe comes up sayung ”unable to execute code because cmWin32.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may CoreChange this problem.”
Running on Windows10.
Thanks for the help!
Try to do the update again or I think you can choose 'repair'. My home pc does that occasionally, non 4D, I try to keep a copy of cmWin32.dll on a thumbdrive for such occasions.
Maybe Nick will ring in with a more technically astute answer.
That is the C-map dll. Occasionally I hear of this, but have now ide why.
As per the message, the solution is to repair/reinstall the installation by running the install exe again.
Win 11
Intel graph updated
After updating C-map 4D, Exp "crashes" every time I start Exp.
I also now can't see my updated cards.
Also see that OpenGl is not accelerated.
Any suggestions, what to do?
Amost certainly a 4D issue. You can confirm that by disabling all the 4D areas.
There are topics on the same issue elsewhere on this forum.
Hi, thanks too fast response
When I either stop C-Maps Manager in services or alternatively make the charts inaccessible (disabled in C-Map Maps Manager) Expedition works fine, Expedition works less well or not at all when I add the new charts.
Any suggestions?
Contact C-Map?
Worked decently before the update, but not perfect.
Feels like there is something that needs to be adjusted in the connection between C-Maps Manager and Expedition.
Can't find what/where though.
You will need to find which chart area is the issue, remove it in Maps Manager and re-download.
As info
I see that the charts are downloaded in the Exp file system.
But the charts are not presented in the "Charts" menu, C_MAP.
Now I have removed everything except Baltic Sea (from C-map maps manager). Now I know that the error is there, but I need those charts.
I will contact C-Map, there is something wrong with their setup.
Something makes Expediton not want to identify the charts.
Thanks for all the support.
What I would recommend is disabling all areas, then enabling them one at a time to find the broken area.
Then remove the bad area.
Then download it again.
Hello all,
I'm a new Expedition user, I'm seeing the same problem.
- Brand new Dell laptop.
- Downloaded and installed v11.19.23 for C-MAP 4D.
- Downloaded WWD303 free base maps, works fine.
- Purchased and downloaded NA-D024 US West Coast, Mexico, and Hawaii.
- If I enable NA-D024 through C-Map Maps Manager, Expedition shows the spinning blue donut then quits.
- Disable NA-D024 and Expedition works fine.
- I deleted and re-downloaded NA-D024, all 27GB of it, same symptom.
- Graphics driver has been updated to the latest, C-Map shows OpenGL 4.6.0, not accelerated. I have run an OpenGL benchmark app which works.
- I deleted and re-downloaded NA-D024 a second time... same symptom.
- I tried doing the installation "repair", no change.
After downloading NA-D024 3 times, I can't believe that it's a bad download. There's low-level network protocols (TCP/UDP) that would catch bad data, and assuming C-Maps is competent they use high level checks (file size, checksums, MD5 hash, etc) to verify that all the bits made it. So either the package from C-Maps is bad or there's a bug somewhere.
Speculation on possible causes:
1. I don't have the laptop connected to the B&G system on the boat yet, so Expedition shows "NO POSITION FIX."
2. Map size - NA-D024 is 27GB, is it hitting a limit somewhere in Expedition?
Happy to provide logs or try any troubleshooting suggestions.