What K-values are people using? We are a First 40 using 12.
That sounds like a reasonable value.
I used to calculate the coefficients from the VPP in Excel, then take an average of the upwind values in the wind range of interest.
It doesn't matter if it is wrong downwind as 50% of nothing is still nothing.
H5000 Websocket to EXP / King40 with k=10 / Set & drift calculated in EXP
I have swung the compass and am fine tuning SOG and BSP, but I am still getting a reasonable amount of Set & Drift (arrows on boat track)
Q. Is this a K value issue?
Q. How do I 'calibrate' the K value - what are the symptoms of too high or too low? (Does it matter?)
Many thanks
Campbell has a really good guide on this.