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Interested to see that Expedition 10.4 supports download of routes to the GND10 but could not find out any more info because cannot find a help file.
1) what hw interface is needed : NGT 1 and/or gnd10 usb port. I guess the GND10 usb?
2) what functions are supported other than download of sets if waypoints? Is is a replacement for the Nexus servers FDX port? or for the NGT1?
3) Where are the waypoints stored once sent to the GND10. Does this support simialr functionality to the NX2 GPS navigator wpt load?
thanks BB
I also tried this feature out but I do not get the mark range or bearing data etc visible on the Nexus network. Is it sent out on the N2K network from the GND10?
To get the navigation info from Expedition visible on the Nexus network I use a serial connection from Expedition to the FDX server PC-port that only transmits navigation information from Exp to the server. All other data to/from the Nexus network is transmitted through the GND10 connection. It would be great to be able to send/receive all data through one connection.
Or have I just missed some other setting apart from the tick-box in the instrument setting for the GND10?
The new part is that Exp can send the mark bearing, time to go etc using the USB port on the GND10. It doesn't do that for connections to the FDX server as it isn't safe.
I don't think it supports route/mark exchange. I don't think it sends the navigation data to the N2k network yet.
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