First usage of V12 x64 Navionics (12.0.3 precisly) during the De Guingand Bowl RORC race.
Nearly 40hours continuous run without interruptions (24h race + the way back to Le Havre), including many grib file download and many optimisation. No problems of stability nor performance reductions.
two minors problems:
Route windows : When the route has more lignes than the window size, scrolling with the mouse weel dont works (oblige to use the scroll bar), and the totals are the totals of the line displayed in the window, not the route totals.
AIS windows : same problemes of scroll.
I think I saw the same issues with scrolling.
The route totals are fixed for the next update.
It is a custom control, which is much more efficient than the old Microsoft one and also give much less flicker. I hadn't thought of mouse scroll.