For some reason, I am unable to change sail colors in sail chart or sail list. I have the newest version of Expedition 11.10.11. When I go to the sail list and change colors (or auto-colour) the colors change but after I press OK they don't update. I have also Expedition (same version) on home laptop and all works how it should. Any suggestions on how to correct it? I have already tried to reinstall (repair) Expedition but it didn't fix the issue.
Is there a warning message?
They are saved in the database, default C:\ProgramData\Expedition\database\Expedition.mdb
Does Exp have write access to your specified database?
There's no warning. Yes, Expedition has write access to the database...
If you close the sail chart and reopen it it will change...maybe?
No, it doesn't change the colors after I close and reopen SailChart. If I right click in SailChart and change sail type Expedition remembers that, but then when I try to change colors (under Sail list) it doesn't update. On home laptop all works fine...
I copied Expedition.mdb from home laptop to boat laptop and that seems to fix the issue...