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Last year I took the North U Expedition 101 webinar by Peter Isler. It was an excellent course that exposed me to a number of great features in Expedition and how to do some basic setup, routing and displaying Expedition data on my B&G displays.
I am interested in going further using strip charts to improve polars and develop polars for my Code 0 since I don't have any for it. I also want to improve / fine tune sensor calibration.
Is there a book or online resource recommended that covers these topics? I prefer to purchase something I can "keep" and refer to afterwards as a refresher. Unfortunately the North U webinars only have a 1 year period where you can go back and review information in the course modules.
Last edited by Vento Solare (6/18/2020 4:15 pm)
You can't go wrong with Will Oxley's books...
Thanks Sparky. I just emailed Will to find out which of his books covers the desired topic.
Last edited by Vento Solare (6/18/2020 4:14 pm)
Just a follow up - I emailed Will Oxley and he sent me some additional resources. I also purchased his Modern Race Navigation book on Kindle.
An additional resource available from North U is the Expedition 101 webinar conducted by Peter Isler. I found that since I purchased this last year I can still view it on my Android phone. A more descriptive index for the webinar contents is pasted below for anyone interested. Peter does a really good job explaining the details for each of these areas.
North U Expedition 101 Webinar Contents
Video 1 (Part 1, Section 1)
Overview 10 m
Creating a route 45 m
Video 2 (Part 1, Section 2)
J Boat Racing – St Barth
Creating a Mark Database 2:30
Routes & Marks 9:00
Working with Charts 14:00
Autochart 16:20
Playback 20:00
Predictor Line 25:30
Number Box’s 29:30
Logfiles & Strip Charts 41:30
Alternating Channels 44:00
Video 3 (Part 1, Section 3)
Creating a route
Intro to route optimization 23m
Intro to Strip Chart 39:30
Test v Polar 45:00
Parse Log Files to create Tests 48:00 m
Video 4 (Part 2, Section 1)
Configuring Instruments 43:00 m
Video 5 (Part 2, Section 2)
Integrating AIS & Instruments
Sending Data to Instruments 10:30 m
Strip Chart Setup 14:00 m
Replay a Race 28:00 M
Polar’s Tips 31:00
Video 6 (Part 2, Section 3)
Sail Charts
Yellow Brick Race Tracking 10:00
Weather Routing 26:00
Campbell Feild also has some good resources...
He put on some good webinars this year during the lockdown.
The webinars from Peter Isler and Campbell are very good. I have also started posting some videos to complement the books. You can find them at www.willoxley.com I've got two more outlines for videos in front of me I am working on now. Cheers, Will.
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