Hi all,
I am planning an Atlantic Crossing and I notice in the pilot charts that even for june the Mean Maximum Iceberg Limit line is between the direct route from Long Island to Azores.
I was thinking to plat this in as a race note warning.
Has anyone done this before? Should it be done differently? Can it allready be downloaded somewhere?
All the best. Kasper
there is a lot real-time information and graphics about N Atlantic ice available from NOAA, the US Navy.., and Canadian authorities - that will be much more useful than historical data.
you could use the image tool to georeference them in expedition
or find one you like and ask Nick to include it in the "My Image" download
If you want optimal routing to avoid it.., drawing a race note would be one way to accomplish it
an example of an ice chart:
Last edited by us7070 (12/15/2019 5:42 am)
I actually found a way to load in the pilot charts.
You can dowvload them here
and then load them into the program.
The charts is not that nice, and get a blurry appearance, but it works.
Anyway thanks for the link. I need that for later, and it could be intresting to see last years warnings for july.
For now I only needed the charts for long time planing.all the best.