Looking at options for stripcharts and numberboxes, clearly I’m missing a lot of sensor for rig and trim, I can find several options for converting linear/ analog sensors to NMEA 2000/ B&G H5000, however I can hardly find anyone selling sensors. Does anyone know where you can get sensors (preferably at a reasonable cost)? Headstay tensions would perhaps be the most useful, are there any options at a reasonable cost? What about positions sensors like outhaul, traveller etc. are they all grand prix expensive custom installations or are there any avalible alternatives? I guess these would be more fun to have than anything else to me.
Are there any other “non standard” sensors you find useful?
Beyond the usual second order variables that help you understand what is happening, in my part of the world sea temperature and barometric pressure in particular, rake and forestay load are the big variables. If you have the right kit, MWA. If you have a canting keel, add that and canard measurement but I did that on a piece of paper, up or down.
More than that, in statistical terms your brain will hurt with so many other independent variables to take into consideration.