As the H5000 AWA is back-calculated, in order to check wand alignment, is it possible to get a reading of the 'raw' AWA from the wand as per page 98 of the H5000 Operation Manual:
"Measured Wind Angle is the angle measured by the masthead unit, no calibrations are applied except the basic offset value for alignment.=10ptMeasured Wind is not used whilst sailing, but is a useful function for checking the operation and alignment of the wind instruments before additional corrections are applied to the data during the calculation of the True Wind and Apparent Wind."
MWA is your first port of call, Your Utter Friend, One Of Three Fundamental Truths. When you adjust adjwa tables, AWA and TWA is the result of the adjustment, and you need to calculate the adjustment looking at MWA, otherwise you are chasing your tail.
Look at the wind data flowchart in B&G WTP and H5000 manuals for enlightement, although the flowchart is cunningly located down the back in an Appendix. Make sure MWA is recorded in your logfiles, stripcharts etc, Look there first in tack-to-tack, gybe-to-gybe kinda stuff; AWA and TWA as you identify are the outcome of a calculation.
Sorry 'bout the rant, looking at new systems.
Thanks. Can you get the B&G to display MWA?
Hmmm, I'm more accustomed to WTP functionality, in which the answer is "yes". The H5000 manual has "Only available via Websocket" for MWA, which to me says not available by default but maybe kinds could be displayed via Expedition, then back out to a display via Remote? Someone else with better familiarity with H5000?
And I should add that I don't often look at the raw MWA number on a display; rather I look at Stripchart and compare the minute before the tack or gybe with the minute after, so MWA on a display isn't IMO an essential.
eclipsemullet wrote:
Thanks. Can you get the B&G to display MWA?
I think the answer to this is yes based on the last time I played with my Triton 2 and H5000 Graphic Displays (using H5000 Hercules Processor). On a display when you open the source menu for wind, I believe the MHU is available on the Triton menu along with the H5000 CPU as a source. I know for sure it is available on the Websocket connection because I was able to play with the offset angle while on the hard to get a reasonable close apparent wind angle by eyeball looking up at the sending unit angle. Then I switched back to the H5000 cpu as the source and it appeared to take the angle adjustment I entered.
eclipsemullet wrote:
Thanks. Can you get the B&G to display MWA?
In short, not on the instruments. You wouldn't want to in any case as it's undamped. You can display it on the B&G Web interface alongside AWA but for useful comparison it's best to log AWA and MWA using Expedition and/or stripchart, and analyse the data post-fact.
Post race you can look at the log file, using strip chart to help and then use Expedition tests to extract the relevant data for comparison. A very useful way to see if your cals are working but beware, AWS being another component of the wind triangle you also need to compare that with the raw data to check tour TWS calibrations. Leeway important as well.
And if you're using Expedition logging, you need to use the websocket connection not Hlink. The raw data isn't available over HLink for some reason.
Last edited by David (3/24/2019 3:16 am)