I've loaded a new sail chart in the sail chart sub directory of Exp file. When I try to open it all I have is the Exp sail chart. No new chart with new name. What did I miss?
Are you sure you put it in
There's a couple similarly named files...
Thanks for the reply Ernie, and in the other thread. Yes it is in C:\ProgramData\Expedition\Sails. I can see the file above the Exp sailchart and the preview shows similar data. Just cannot open it.
On another machine it opens as I have seen a routing solution using this same sail chart!
I'm using a windows 10.
Try this:
In Exp Open your existing SailChart and click the Save As icon
point it to an outside file (say a thumb drive) and give it a name you'll recognize, say HitchHikerTest
Open F:/HitchHikerTest,txt and make the changes you want
Back in Exp in your SailChart click the OpenFile icon and scrole down to F:/ and click on your F:/HitchHikerTest,txt it should open
Then in your SailChart click on SaveAs it will be pointed at C:/ and give it a name say HH2 and Save
It should be there
You can now fool around with a 'new' file and see what you're doing wrong
If you want you can PM me,
Thanks again Ernie. Really interesting. I can make changes to the HHsail file and open it. But, when I try to make changes to the problem file, it still won't open.
So, I will build a new file under HH and use that.
May be something in the name protocol?