Mark Management dialog box:
I often hat to add +20 marks to a route. Is there a way to add multiple marks at once?
I haven't done that exactly but I think you can probably accomplish this by using, under the Marks tab, the Export feature, putting your individual Marks into a .csv file(s) then manipulate them with MSExcel or OpenOffice Calc into one .csv file then use the Exp Marks/Import CSV to bring them back into Exp.
If you have a Garmin platform, such as HomePort or a Garmin plotter to work with, you could probably do this by Export(ing) a GPX file the same way.
This is exactly how I edit my Marks/Waypoints. But how to add them to a route? The import does not work for routes, right?
Cheers Olsen370
I'm not sure. I know I have Imported whole Routes from my Garmin Quatix to Exp.
It would be a nice feature to be able to use the Windows click then shift/click on a list of marks. The Marks from right column to left column seems a bit clumsy. Why don't you write it up and put it in the "Suggestions for new features" section of this Forum.
I just tried downloading a route from my Quatix (GPX format) It pops right into the Courses/routes side of the Mark Management.
Tried creating a .csv file and Imported it. Worked OK but it pops right into the Mark/Waypoint side
Not a real hardship to open a new route on the left and select and click << from the right...just a bit tedious!
When I import a list of marks in a route, where does it end up and how is it labeled?
It will be on the right hand side when you go to the Mark Management page
(Marks/Edit Marks) It keeps it's original name even though you may have changed the file name
You can try it by going to Marks/Export GPX/Export Active Route only point it at say a thumb drive,
Delete the route in Exp, then insert your thumb drive and Import it
Hope this helps,
Thanks Ernie.
Unfortunately does not work for me. When I try to export i go into Details/export. option is csv or txt files. export to a different destination. Import same, but it does not show up on the right hand side!!