Firing up nmea remote and thinking I can use an old iPad for a poor mans mast display.
Any suggestions on ready made brackets ? Ideally something that can tolerate a bit of bumping and not snag lines.
Hey Sheldon
I use NMEAremote on a couple of boats, a Farr 44 and a Davidson 52. I have provided the skipper with an iPad mini mounted to the binnacle using a Ram mount configuration. You can pick an appropriate attach point, an arm and an iPad holder.
Additionally, I have another iPad for myself mounted at the pit. I play navigator and pit man! For that one, I use a magnetic plate stuck to the bulkhead and a couple of metal circles affixed to the iPad case (waterproof btw)
It all works pretty well. I use NMEARemote for the basic numbers and switch to VNC for direct access to Expedition on the computer downstairs. NMEARemote is great but is missing a few important values. I am in regular communication with the software author to encourage improvements.
I think you could find something on RamMount that will work for you. Maybe a ball connector stuck on the mast and an ipad holder attached.
Hope that helps
I have the ram mount on binnacle sparring with my mainsheet and mizzen staysail .
That’s why thinking about a flush mast mount such as shown on Zapf page, to essentially emulate HV displays for day races. I could also put it above companionway near analog gauges.
Last edited by sheldon.haynie (9/27/2017 1:28 pm)
I see what you are saying, that is a nice setup on the Zapf page. Why don't I drop an email to Michael Zapf and see if he has a solution he recommends.
Hi Sheldon,
the iPad shown on my website is hosted in a case from "Andres Industries"
which is mounted to a self made mast bracket. No big thing.
To be honest, an iPad is not the best friend at sunny conditions and needs at least a lot of power. You can read it but you should also think about a power cable. I'm still using it but thinking about to change to some "dedicated" mast displays like the ones from Garmin.
Best Regards
Michael Zapf
Last edited by Zapf (10/04/2017 11:19 am)
Power cable not an issue, we are finding the GFD on cabin bulkhead seem to attract bodies, putting a display forward should help.
Thinking I could fabricate an aluminum sun/side shade like on a traffic stop light to help contrast.