Can anyone please comment on why the BrgM data column (bearing to the mark, I presume) goes dodgy when the interpolate option is selected? I've been doing it to get the sail selection column to display, and just noticed that the program seems to be giving bearings to (guess!) an intermediate WP for the optimum segment calculation, rather than the mark for the leg.
TIA, pjl
Brg M = Bearing Magnetic the next point on the opt route, not the destination mark.
Thx, that helps. Some displays have different column headings. Is this a setting I'm missing?
The column width changes, but the only column that disappears is Dist nm
I'll need examples to be more specific, but sometimes I get the column sail code from sailchart, sometimes I see a column with all entries "sail". when I select interpolate, this changes to show the sail code, but the port-starboard color code goes away???
TIA, pjl