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It´s probably very basic. But i cant solve it right now. When I route with 5 different grib files I only get a G and and I result. I guess its Grid and Iso result. But I´m not seeing GFS result and the other grib files. What button have i missed? 12.0.15 X64 version.
You need to click on "Ensemble", and not on "Optimise".
It sounds like you want to ensemble route... If you do a normal route - per step Expedition will evaluate the loaded weather models and use one of them for a given timestep.
In the ensemble route mode the route generates a route per loaded weather model. Note: It is per model not per grib loaded. If you load multiple gribs of the same model they will be combined and prioritised based on the weather model prioritisation rules. (newest highest definition data loaded...)
Thank you guys! Prepping for the 350 Mile around Gotland race that starts in Sweden on Sunday.