G'day all, I wonder whether "Tablets" needs it's own topic, Perhaps with a preceding derogatory adjective, but I shan't go there.
I'm in the market for a new tablet for an owner; it is clear that Android tablets represent a considerable cost advantage over Windows tablets.
What comms software are people using and liking?
* MS RDP has the disadvantage that it blanks one screen;
* Splashtop is nice but requires a conversation with a Splashtop server to reconnect, not convenient offshore;
* Teamviewer is apparently used, I have no personal experience using it for this purpose;
* Other?
I use the Getac F110 on a few boats and its pretty good. Expensive though.
For the screen sharing I use RDP. I know Campbell uses RADMIN, but I think you need to license it to each machine that its used on.