I am using Expedition connected to an H5000 performance system via H-Link. I have both a B&G ZG100 GPS sensor and a Garmin 19x N2K sensor (and can switch between the two). I am also using a Precision9 heading sensor. The only way Expedition receives data is via the H-link connection.
Now here is the problem which is graphically illustrated below -- using either the B&G or Garmin N2K sensors, when you zoom in closely using Expedition to the track you will see "jaggies" in the track -- this I believe is illustrative of the numerical accuracy associated with the position data being transmitted over H-link.
Has anyone seen this or know of a fix?
By way of comment, on another boat I connected an RS-232 Garmin 19x directly to Expedition and did not get any of the "jaggies". In looking at the raw data it appears to have more decimal places (ie - higher precision) than that received over H-Link.
Last edited by kwelch (9/30/2016 7:13 pm)
This is due to the resolution of the GPS data being output/passed through by H-Link - Expedition is plotting the data as it is received.
Last edited by Campbell_Field (10/07/2016 4:53 am)
Yes, that has always been the case with HLink, which is one reason why we normally have a separate GPS feed to Exp.
Thanks for this thread, guys. I will lose no time in re-configuring the GPS feed on the boat where those inexplicable zig-zags in the track have been driving me crazy for two years.
For some reason, you get 3 decimal places in minutes with HLink.
Generally you get 4 or 5 decimal places with NMEA 0183.
This is exactly what I thought which is why I wend to a GPS wired directly into expedition as suggested above...
Now we need to see how many decimal places we get using the H5000 websocket interface -- hopefully we can get more.