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I have a GPX files of planned routes for a race. These were created using the Optimize function in Expedition to generate the routes and then exported to GPX. Post race I now want to overlay these routes on my track and the tracks of other boats. I have used the Tools/Load GPX function but nothing displays. What am I missing?
Are you exporting the route as a gpx or the marks folder as a gpx?
I used the export to GPX function provided in the screen that comes up when you are viewing the Results (on the Optimise ribbon) and have then selected one of the routes that has been generated to see further details. The results were generate using the Ensemble function so there is a route for each grib.
Have tested here and works as expected. A number of routes, in Optimal Results, Summary selected, then Export to GPX.
Import Marks, GPX, and all routes and Marks folders are imported. Select one route and Set active and it becomes the active route.
Maybe inspect your GPX *.xml file for errors?
Thanks Campbell. I was expecting it to come up as a track so wasn’t looking in the Marks folder. I am away from a computer where I can check this out but will give it a go in a week when I am back.
Tools/Load GPX is referring to a track, not a route.