I understand that many U.S. racers subscribe to software and services from a company called OCENS. Does anyone know if Exp will seamlessly load weather gribs by using the 'outline and download' Exp feature, rather than email attachment for NOAA gribs, using their product(s)?
Same question for YB Tracking downloads
Any reflection on this topic would be welcome.
The Ocens download is a little different to (eg) Saildocs. You download the grib file in Ocens and Exp then receives a message from Ocens to read it.
You can download and import YB tracking positions from the Sail ribbon panel in Exp.
Two years ago the OCENS setup would have been pretty good but using (via wifi) the NOAA feature in Exp and being able to download just the area I want by simply dragging a box on the Exp screen, then entering the number of days I want, and being able to pick the model (GFS 1/4 degree) or Ensemble,...that's hard to beat!
I tried talking to the GMN people about RedPort but they didn't seem to know about Exp.
If anyone knows someone who really knows how to put this stuff together PM me !
Thanks Nick, you spoil us with all these great features !
I'm sure there are many ways to get this to work but since we had an iridium go I was able to use xgate to get gribs, yb tracking & tidetech currents directly from the expedition interface. Theoretically that should be all you need.
In practice things turned out a little differently. Our go was a finicky little piggy and the xgate link wasn't great at recovering from interrupted downloads. YB data was small & two weeks of gribs were large. So I ended up using the xgate interface for YB data & grib by email through Ocens as the Ocens downloader seemed much quicker to detect a problem & let you restart the download with a minimum of fuss.