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I had a course selected and then I did a goto cursor and now I can't seem to clear the "goto cursor". Every time I go to the "edit marks" page and select a course and "set active" the course I want to use, the course will pop up in the course window for a second and them go back to the "goto cursor".
I've tried getting out and back in, but nothing seems to cancel the "goto Cursor"
What do you mean "goto cursor"
If you are on a chart and you right click you get a list of options. I chose route to cursor. Now I can't Change it.
The route to cursor is completely separate to any marks. It is just a way to do a routing to a selected location.
It does not affect marks. You can set a mark or route and optimise that.
But I would love to see a "go to cursor option" for when working offline. Setting the boat location via Lat and Long is a little tedious and prone to error.
That is where you just use two or more marks.
Goto cursor and route via cursor are just shortcuts to make some operations easier.
I figured it out. It turns out I have a older RayMarine instruments with NMEA 0183 output going into a Vasper AIS. The only a couple NMEA outputs are being routed to Expedition for some reason. In the raw data output i found -
$ECBWC,215750,3342.32,N,11805.75,W,157.0,T,144.0,M,2.70,N,GOTO CURSOR,A*6F
$ECAPB,A,A,0.000,L,N,V,V,144.0,M,GOTO CURSOR,144.0,M,,,A*2D
When I turned off the NMEA sentences to receive "CUR" I was able to set active marks for the route I wanted.
Not sure why this overrode my selected route.
Nick wrote:
The route to cursor is completely separate to any marks. It is just a way to do a routing to a selected location.
It does not affect marks. You can set a mark or route and optimise that.
FYI - I will need to do some more testing, but the problem I was seeing may have been incidental to the fact that I did the quick link to "route to Cursor" just before I started to see the "Goto Cursor" message and not being able to choose the route I wanted.