Hi all,
Next issue I am finding. I got the AIS working today. But with it on it seems to make the software lag. Clicking on menus are slow and the every few seconds the loading blue circle comes up.
Without the AIS on everything works fine. I am running a MacBook with 4gb ram (I think) with windows loaded on it. Not parallels or anything like that.
Sorry for all the questions. Have used expedition for a few years but never set it up from scratch.
I've never used Parallels, but imagine it must make a measurable performance hit.
4Gb is probably marginal for Windows too. With Win10, I generally recommend 16GB these days.
Yeh my guess is it’s not powerful enough. Thanks for the reply. Will have to look for an upgrade in the future.
That forum is great by the way!!
Maybe also try without the Window showing. It is quite expensive, but my guess is Windows just doesn't have enough memory.
I am not sure I am following you Nick.
So I have wiped Mac OS off the computer and put windows 10 on it. I had an old Mac book lying around so was hoping this would work. I will check tomorrow but I am thinking I might have 8gb of ram in it.