In v11.4.2, in the Wx data pane, the PredictWind button for downloading GRIBs no longer appears. How do you download PW GRIBs in current version?
There was an answer about this from Nick the other day. however, it seems to have been deleted.
PW is still available from the right click context menu.
Yes, you can still get them from the right-click menu. Old functions such as MailASail, PW and Theyr have been deleted from the ribbon.
The aim was to tidy the interface and Saildocs, Great Circle and the expedition Grib server are all much better sources of GFS data than those.
Thanks, I found it in the right click menu.
There does not seem to be the same ability to select the area to be covered by the download. Instead, the download appears to cover pre-defined PW areas, which are generally coastal and which may not cover all the area of a particular race. Is there a way to download a single PW Grib that would cover the entire route of the Sydney to Hobart, or from Sydney to Auckland?
I never used PW for GFS (always used Saildocs), but PW was/is a convenient source for us for ECMWF model data via the PWE model.
There isn't. PWE isn't ECMWF data, although it does start out from a subset of it.
got it, thanks for quick reply
I think the way to look at all these third party models (Expedition WRF etc) is that they are useful for small scale features affected by land and thermal effects that don't show up in 1/10-1/4 degree interpolated data from the global models.
Full implementations such as Access, Arome, HRRR, Icon EU are another thing.
davidh wrote:
Thanks, I found it in the right click menu.
There does not seem to be the same ability to select the area to be covered by the download. Instead, the download appears to cover pre-defined PW areas, which are generally coastal and which may not cover all the area of a particular race. Is there a way to download a single PW Grib that would cover the entire route of the Sydney to Hobart, or from Sydney to Auckland?
I never used PW for GFS (always used Saildocs), but PW was/is a convenient source for us for ECMWF model data via the PWE model.
You can still access the PW wider/custom areas by downloading the grib via the Predict Wind Offshore App.
Nick ... Is there anyway you can put the old Predictwind fast access back in Expedition. The current access does not allow you to define area, time steps or duration for PW Gribs. I know that some may only use the PW access for high resolution local model but it is an easy access source that we have used regularly for offshore racing/passaging. Elimination has taken away our most used Grib source. In addition it allows some consistency between quick routing checks in planning phase using PW online routing and Expedition. PLEASE give it back to us
It was removed as I don't believe it adds value to GFS, ICON, Access etc. As Campbell says, if you really want the data it is available from their app.