Is there any particular trick to displaying the custom channels on GNX120 instruments via Actisense NGT-1?
In the dialogue box obtained via the menu (Instruments / com port / Actisense / Custom) I have chosen the custom channels to send out, ticked damping and given appropriate tag names. I kept the Boat ID column as 0.
But yet on the instruments the display shows only dashes and the names custom 1, 2 etc.
I am using Expedition 10.14.5, latest Actisense NGT-1 firmware 2.690 and GNX120 has latest version 2.8. The Actisense otherwise works OK and successfully connects the Garmin system to Expedition.
is there anything else I need to have done in order to display Expedition data?
Thanks in advance for any insight
Make sure you have also selected to send the Garmin PGN