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Can anyone advise if there's a feature that allows you to adjust wind strength and direction for a finite period?
To explain this further when offshore with limited access to new grib files I'd like to be able to adjust grib files for a say the next 2 or 6 hours but retain the grib file data for the remainder of the race.
Any assistance / guidance / advice on this will be appreciated.
Thank you
Simon Dipple
Yes, you can do this in Exp.
Go to Settings - Opt Advanced.
In the right top corner you can indicate the scaling (% wind compared to grib) and rotation compared to grib. You can have Exp reduce this scaling over time back to the grib data by checking the box and indicate the number of minutes over which this should happen.
You can also do a time shift of the entire grib. E.g. entering -120 means that the forecast from 10am is will be used at 8am. Entering 120 means the forecast of 10am will be used at noon.
Last edited by ZeeZee (5/29/2018 9:38 pm)
Thanks for the response and the detail - I'll try this out in a couple of weeks.
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